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SFB-Seminar SFB-Methodenseminar
WS 05/06 SS 06 WS 06/07 SS 07 WS 07/08 SS 08 WS 08/09 SS 09 WS 09/10
WS 05/06 SS 06 WS 06/07 SS 07 WS 07/08 SS 08 WS 08/09 SS 09 WS 09/10

SFB-Seminar Sommersemester 2007

Gastvorträge im Rahmen des Sonderforschungsbereichs 484

jeweils dienstags um 16.00 Uhr s.t. in Raum 288, EKM-Geb. Süd

24.04.2007 Dr. Hannu Mutka (ILL Grenoble, Präsident der ENSA (European Neutron Scattering Association))
Spin fluctuations in pyrochlore slab magnets: Frustration, relaxation, lattice vibrations
15.05.2007 Dr. Andreas Schmehl (Exp. Physik VI, Institut Physik, Universität Augsburg)
EuO_{1-x} - A Highly Versatile Ferromagnetic Semiconductor for the Use in Silicon Based Spintronics
12.06.2007 Prof. Douglas Scalapino (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)
The Hubbard model and the high Tc cuprates
19.06.2007 Dr. Jens Kreisel (CNRS, INP, Grenoble)
Effect of high pressure on functional oxides: From Piezoelectrics to Multiferroics
03.07.2007 Dr. Jens Pflaum (3. Physics Institut, Universität Stuttgart)
Polyaromatic single crystals: Reference systems for electronic transport studies
17.07.2007 Dr. Jorge Gavilano (Paul-Scherrer-Institut, Villigen, Schweiz)
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems

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