Das ist ein Bild Talks
P. Hänggi, What is temperature?
P. Hänggi, What is temperature? Physical Society Berlin, Magnus Haus: 04.07.2013
Podcast, "Was ist Temperatur?" by Philipp Hummel (Link)
P. Hänggi, "On the Use and Abuse of THERMODYNAMIC Entropy", Israel Phys. Soc. meeting 21.12.2014 (EPJ-sponsored)

Peter Hänggi:
Hot quantum system interacting with cold one: The chronicle of mutual equilibration
(New Trends in Nonlinear Dynamics: Heat Control and Thermo-Electric Efficiency, Erice Oct. 23-28, 2010)

Peter Hänggi
Theory of thermodynamic ensembles: Do we really understand the old stuff ?
Bad Honnef, 826. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, 12 - 17 January 2025

Peter Hänggi
Meaning of temperature in different thermostatistical ensembles
Halle, 05.11.2015, see also [arXiv:1507.05713]

Peter Hänggi
On the Use and Abuse of THERMODYNAMIC Entropy in Physics and Elsewhere
52. Winter Seminar, Klosters, Switzerland, 04.-14 January, 2017

J. Dunkel and Stefan Hilbert
Consistent thermostatistics forbids negative absolute temperatures
Nature Physics, 10: 67-72 (2014)

Feature by Jennifer Chu, MIT News Office

Igor M. Sokolov, Not hotter than hot, Nature Physics, news and views 10: 7-8 (2014)

Kurzgefasst: Verbotene Temperaturen, Physik Journal 13 (2014)

S. Hilbert, P. Hänggi, and J. Dunkel
Thermodynamic laws in isolated systems
Phys. Rev. E 90, 062116 (2014), (Editors' Suggestion)

P. Hänggi, S. Hilbert, and J. Dunkel
Meaning of temperature in different thermostatical ensembles
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. A 374, 20150039 (2016)


Commentaries on Quantum Thermodynamics

Clash of the physical laws
Davide Castelvecchi, Nature 543, 598-597 (2017)

The Quantum Thermodynamics Revolution
Natalie Wolchover, Quanta Magazine, May 02, 2017 (pdf, 13 pages)

Bending The Rules
Zeeya Merali, Nature 551, 20-22 (2017)


Harvey R. Brown and Jos Uffink
The origins of time-asymmetry in thermodynamics: the minus first law
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 32B: 525-538 (2001)

Jos Uffink
Bluff Your Way in the Second Law of Thermodynamics
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 32B: 305-394 (2001)

H. Grad
The Many Faces of Entropy
Comm. Pure & Appl. Math. 14: 323-354 (1961)

On the nature of theories of irreversible processes
Int. J. of Theoretical Physics 2: 325-343 (1969)

G. N. Bochkov, Yu. E. Kuzovlev, and V. S. Troitskii
The noise of a nonequilibrium medium and nonlinear fluctuation-dissipation reciprocity relations
Sov. Phys. Dokl. 29 (6): 459-460 (1984)

A. Wehrl
The many facets of entropy
Rep. Math. Phys. 30: 119-129 (1991)

E. T. Jaynes
The Gibbs paradox
In: Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, C.R. Smith et al. (eds.) Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, (1992) pp 1 - 22

Harvey R. Brown and Jos Uffink
The Minus First Law
Stud. Hist. Phil. Mod. Phys., 32: 525–538 (2001)

Charles Kittel
Temperature fluctuation: an oxymoron
Physics Today: 93 (1988)

Jens Lindhard
"Complementarity" between Energy and Temperature
The Lesson of Quantum Theory (1986)

Harrison Bertrand Prosper
Temperature fluctuations in a heat bath
Am. J. Phys. 61: 54-58 (1993)

J. Casas-Vazquez and D. Jou
Temperature in non-equilibrium states: a review of open problems and current proposals
Rep. Prog. Phys. 66: 1937-2023(2003)

M. Campisi, P. Talkner, and P. Hänggi
Finite bath fluctuation theorem
Phys. Rev. E 80, 031145 (2009)

Michele Campisi and Donald H. Kobe
Derivation of the Boltzmann principle
Am. J. Phys. 78: 608-615(2010)

M. Falcioni, D. Villamaina, A. Vulpiani, A. Puglisi and A. Sarracino
Estimate of temperature and its uncertainty in small systems
Am. J. Phys. 79: 777-785 (2011)
see also the erratum:
Am. J. Phys. 79: 980 (2011)

M. Campisi and P. Hänggi
Fluctuation, Dissipation and the Arrow of Time
Entropy 13, 2024–2035 (2012)

M. Campisi, F. Zhan, and P. Hänggi
On the origin of power-laws in equilibrium
EPL 99, 60004 (2012)

J. Dunkel and Stefan Hilbert
Consistent thermostatistics forbids negative absolute temperatures
Nature Physics, 10: 67-72 (2014) (plus supplementary)

Das ist ein Bild
S. Liu, P. Hänggi, N. Li, J. Ren, and B. Li
Anomalous heat diffusion
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 040601 (2014)

Idw online vom 12.02.2014 (deutsch)
Idw online vom 12.02.2014 (englisch)
Pro Physik vom 12.02.2014

S. Hilbert, P. Hänggi, and J. Dunkel
Thermodynamic laws in isolated systems

Phys. Rev. E 90, 062116 (2014), (Editors' Suggestion), [arXiv:1408.5382]