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Second International Workshop 2004

Ordering Phenomena in Transition Metal Oxides

September 26 - 29, 2004, Wildbad Kreuth


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SFB 484

Institute of Physics

Invited Talk

S. Suga (Osaka)  
Bulk sensitive PES, ARPES and RIXS of some transition metal (Cu, Mn, V and Ru) oxides   
Bulk electronic structures of strongly correlated electron systems are often much different from surface electronic structures probed by low energy photoemission spectroscopy (PES). Soft X-ray PES is effectively applied to the study of bulk electronic structures of Nd1-xSrxMnO3,1) where microscopic and dynamic phase segregation is observed.
Angle resolved soft X-ray photoemission (ARPES) is applied to probe the dispersion associated with the metal-insulator transition in V6O13 and to probe bulk Fermi surfaces of high Tc cuprates as well as Sr2RuO4, clarifying essential differences from the surface region.
Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) is a really bulk sensitive probe to see the momentum resolved low energy excitations even in insulators. RIXS near the Cu 1s edge is measured for the quasi-1D Cu-O chain system, CuGeO3 and Sr2CuO3, where clear differences are observed reflecting the edge sharing and corner sharing geometry.

1) A.Sekiyama et al., to be published.

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[ 21-Apr-17 ] [ http://www.physik.uni-augsburg.de/sfb484/Kreuth2004/abstracts/suga.shtml ]