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Second International Workshop 2004

Ordering Phenomena in Transition Metal Oxides

September 26 - 29, 2004, Wildbad Kreuth


Pictures taken at the Workshop

Invited Speakers


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SFB 484

Institute of Physics

Invited Talk

W. E. Pickett (UC Davis), J. Kunes, and K.-W. Lee  
Theory of charge disproportionation and application to NaxCoO2   
Theoretical understanding of charge ordering, specifically charge disproportionation and spin differentiation that accompanies or precedes ordering, became a more interesting undertaking as underdoped cuprates were studied ever more carefully. Charge/ spin/orbital ordering have since been found to occur extensively in the CMR manganites and also in vanadates, and most recently in the Na-intercalated cobaltates that superconduct when hydrated. We will describe the application of correlated band theory (LDA+U), which gives a first-order charge/spin disproportionation transition versus U. In NaxCoO2, the transition occurs in the range 3.2 < U < 3.5 eV for x=1/3, 1/2, and 2/3. The origin of this transition in the electronic structure and the energetics will be presented in detail. Unusual behavior in the new monovalent-Ni compound will also be described.

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[ 21-Apr-17 ] [ http://www.physik.uni-augsburg.de/sfb484/Kreuth2004/abstracts/pickett.shtml ]