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Homepage Forschungs-<br>programm Research<br>Program Teilprojekte Sprecher/<br>Sekretariat Seminare/<br>Vortr&auml;ge Publikationen/<br>Preprints &Ouml;ffentlichkeit/<br>Presse Jobs Workshops

SFB-Sonderseminare Sommersemester 2006

22.6.2006, 16:00 Uhr: Prof. Dr. Peter Lemmens (Universität Braunschweig)
Local lattice distortions in collossal magneto-dielectric Spinels evidenced from Raman scattering
12.7.2006, 10:30 Uhr: Prof. Roberto Raimondi ( Università di Roma Tre, Rom )
Effective electron-phonon coupling and polaronic transition in the presence of strong correlation
19.7.2006, 10:30 Uhr: Dr. Guillaume Weick ( Universite Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg)
Collective excitations in metallic nanoparticles
26.7.2006, 16:00 Uhr: Prof. Jian Bin XU ( Chinese University of Hong Kong)
A study of nanorcrystalline and polycrystalline zinc oxides: synthesis and characterization

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