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International Workshop 2001

"Ordering Phenomena in Transition Metal Oxides"

October 7-10, 2001, Kloster Irsee

Pictures of the Workshop: Speakers Participants Poster Session
Sunday, October 7, 2001
16.00 Bus departure to Irsee leaving from the Intercity Hotel at the central railway station in Augsburg
16.30 Bus departure from the university
18.00 Reception in Irsee
19.00  Dinner
Workshop Program
Monday, October 8, 2001
8.45 D. Vollhardt Welcome
Session I: Manganites I
Chairman: A. Loidl
8.50 G. Aeppli: "Field switchable order in the manganites"
9.15 Discussion
9.25 A. Millis: "Magnetic Oxides with High Spin Polarization: transition temperatures, lattice couplings, and sensitivity to external perturbations"
9.50 Discussion
10.00 S. W. Cheong: "Multi-scale Charge Ordering and Its Connection to CMR"
10.25 Discussion
10.35 Coffee break
Session II: Orbital Ordering I
Chairman: S. Horn
11.05 D. Khomskii: "Charge and orbital ordering in doped oxides"
11.30 Discussion
11.40 T. Kimura: "Orbital ordering and correlation coupled with charge dynamics in transition-metal oxides"
12.05 Discussion
12.15 P. Wochner: "Lattice Distortions and Orbital Order in La0.89Sr0.11MnO3 and La7/8Sr1/8MnO3: A new Look at Resonant Scattering"
12.40 Discussion
12.50 Break
13.00 Lunch
Session III: Metal-insulator transition
Chairman: A. Reller
15.00 J. W. Allen: "Electron and optical spectroscopy of (A1-xBx)2O3 (A,B = V, Cr, Al): new views and echoes from the past on a paradigm Mott-Hubbard system."
15.25 Discussion
15.35 K. Held: "Mott-Hubbard Metal-Insulator Transition in Paramagnetic V2O3: an LDA+DMFT Study"
16.00 Discussion
16.10 Coffee break
Session IV: Low dimensional spin systems I
Chairman: R. Claessen
16.45 D. van der Marel: "Spin order and charge density wave in a- and b-phase NaxCayV2O5"
17.10 Discussion
17.20 G. Güntherodt: "Spectroscopic evidence for interactions and charge/spin order in low-dimensional quantum spin systems"
17.45 Discussion
17.55 C. Geibel: "New low-dimensional vanadium-oxide spin-systems"
18.20 Discussion
18.30 Break
19.00 Dinner
20.00 Poster session
Tuesday, October 9, 2001
Session V: Orbital Ordering II
Chairman: V. Eyert
8.45 P. Fazekas: "Frustration and order of the orbital and spin degrees of freedom in BaVS3"
9.10 Discussion
9.20 P. Horsch: "Orbital excitations and optical conductivity in manganites"
9.45 Discussion
9.55 T. Pruschke: "Orbital and magnetic ordering in LaMnO3 and KCuF3"
10.20 Discussion
10.30 Coffee break
Session VI: Manganites II
Chairman: U. Eckern
11.00 A. Lichtenstein: "Orbital ordering in transition metal compounds: LDA+U"
11.25 Discussion
11.35 K. Samwer: "Magnetoresistance in Manganites: Intrinsic and extrinsic effects"
12.00 Discussion
12.10 R. Gross: "Interface and strain effects in doped manganites"
12.35 Discussion
12.45 Break
13.00 Lunch
Session VIIa: Low-dimensional spin systems II
Chairman: G. Ingold
15.00 K. Ueda: "Order parameter and lattice distortion of the S=1 Heisenberg spin system on pyrochlore lattice"
15.25 Discussion
15.35 G. Uhrig: "Fractional and Integer Excitations in Quantum Antiferromagnetic Spin 1/2 Ladders"
16.00 Discussion
16.10 Coffee break
Session VIIb: Low-dimensional spin systems II
Chairman: A. Kampf
16.45 M. Knupfer: "Dynamic charge response of low dimensional spin systems"
17.10 Discussion
17.20 A. Freimuth: "Heat transport by magnetic and phononic excitations in low dimensional quantum spin systems"
17.45 Discussion
17.55 W. Assmus: "Crystal growth of low-dimensional spin Systems"
18.20 Discussion
18.30 Break
19.00 Dinner
Wednesday, October 10, 2001
Session VIII: Electronic structure of 3d compounds
Chairman: T. Kopp
9.15 E. Müller-Hartmann: "Derivation of effective spin models from a three band model for CuO2-planes"
9.40 Discussion
9.50 C. Renner: "Atomic scale imaging and spectroscopy of charge ordering in (Bi,Ca)MnO3"
10.15 Discussion
10.25 Coffee break
Session IX: Ruthenates
Chairman: R. Bulla
10.55 M. Sigrist: "Unconventional Superconductivity in Sr2RuO4"
11.20 Discussion
11.30 Y. Maeno: "Towards the full characterization of the spin-triplet superconductivity of Sr2RuO4"
11.55 Discussion
12.05 D. Vollhardt Concluding remarks
12.10 Break
12.30 Lunch
End of Workshop
13.30 Departure from Irsee to Augsburg
15.00 Hotel check-in
15.30 - 17.00 Guided walking tour through Augsburg
19.00 Optional get-together for dinner

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URL: http://www.physik.uni-augsburg.de/sfb484/Irsee2001/irsee.de.shtml